Counting Crows :: This Desert Life :: My Favorite Albums

This Desert Life (1998) :: Counting Crows Choosing a Counting Crows album for "My Favorite Albums" was tough as pretty much all of their albums are filled with memories and emotions to me. August and Everything After seemed like the obvious choice, at first, especially since one of my all-time favorite songs, Murder of One, …

Cause things are gonna change so fast :: Video of the day

Winter :: Tori Amos This video feels like a snapshot of the early nineties to me, and the feel of it, the starkness, the vulnerability of just Tori and the simple imagery and the presence of the piano, reminds me so much of how alone I felt during that time in my life. There is …

Green eyes, you’re the one that I wanted to find :: Song of the day

“I came here with a load, and it feels so much lighter, now I’ve met you.” Sometimes I wish there was a manual, or guidebook, for good relationships. Think about it, there are plenty of books and blogs and rants about bad relationships - how to deal with them, how to get out of them, …