Leerone :: Heart Shaped Bullets :: New Music Review

Leerone :: Heart Shaped Bullets Nancy Sinatra meets up with Mick Jagger in a darkened, smoky bar and they trade boots under the table, and knock them around in the corner of the red leather booth, too. In another corner of the room sits PJ Harvey and Nick Cave, reunited as lovers, and David Lynch …

You’re gonna miss me when I’m gone :: Video of the day

Miss Atomic Bomb :: The Killers Tour Video My favorite song off of The Killers new album, Battle Born, the video for Miss Atomic Bomb also showcases my most favorite thing about this band - their live performances. The band itself is incredible live, and Brandon Flowers has stage presence that never stops; they completely …

My eyes can’t look at you any other way :: Song of the day

"So take it as a song or a lesson to learn, and sometime soon be better than you were." Band of Horses was a slow developed love for me. For a good long while I knew, and loved, No One’s Gonna Love You, but anything else I had heard seemed to disappear into the background.  After …